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Zuchtperlen weiß
Cultured Pearls White
Zuchtperlen gefärbt
Cultured Pearls Dyed

Interesting facts about cultured pearls:

Genuine pearls can be divided into three groups:

- saltwater pearls
- freshwater pearls
- river pearls

Nowadays saltwater and freshwater pearls are mostly cultured in pearl farms. They need from 6 months to several years, depending on size, to mature in the oysters, mussels or clams (all types of mollusc).

River pearls can be cultured only with difficulty, as they need very pure water and 20 to 40 years to grow.

The most well-known and desired saltwater pearls are the Tahiti pearls and the South Pacific pearls, as these have an especially beautiful sheen.
However, the most readily available beads are freshwater cultured pearls.
One or more small foreign bodies are planted in the shell, which are covered by the mollusc slowly with mother-of-pearl.
Perfectly round pearls are only very rare and therefore expensive.
Several thousand must be cultured, to get only a few immaculate pearls.
The majority of the cultured pearls are of low quality and are resold as powder to the cosmetics industry.

Genuine pearls can occur in many different colour tones.
The decisive factor for the colour is primarily the mollusc type in which the pearl is cultured.
Mostly pearls are white or have a slightly yellow tinge.
Nevertheless, there are also pink, grey or black coloured pearls.

Our pearls are exclusively freshwater cultured pearls, mostly of a white to slightly yellowish hue. We also stock some coloured pearls.

White pearls can be combined very nicely with black stones like onyx or glass to make jewellery.
Traditionally classical elegant pearl necklaces are often knotted with pearl silk.